Architects are not used to share experiences and concepts across boarders. Madagascar based architects know little about practices around the world and don’t network much since we are an island and only speak French or Malagasy.
This podcast with Tazalika Te Reh allowed me to learn more on her ideas and cultural landmarks. She listens. She unlearns. She is very honest about how she works as an architect and researcher in Germany and offers us a very pragmatic point of view on the best way to highlight our resources and skills.
Thank you Tazalika for your kindness and generosity. I hope we could have more in-depth conversations within the following years so that more youth could be inspired and follow your lead.

Tazalika M. te Reh is an architect and cultural studies scholar whose research and teaching examines the relationship between Architecture, Space, and the Racial, with a focus on the built environment.
At the Salzburg Global Citizenship Alliance, she is a faculty member and a Fellow of the Salzburg Global Seminar. In the architectural field, Tazalika realizes both built projects and writing. Her work experience incorporates writing, academic research, teaching, architectural practice, and visual real estate marketing.
Before finalizing her Ph.D. thesis in cultural studies at the University of Dortmund, Tazalika earned degrees from the Kunstakademie Düsseldorf and the Universities of Applied Sciences in Cologne and Bochum. In 2014, she was a visiting researcher at Columbia University and the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, New York City.